What was the reason I chose to study the language of computers?

My journey to programming started when the pandemic was about to start. And we were supposed to stay home. I had just ended my academic and military service. I was thinking about having a persistent job which I could rely on it, although had a lot of experience in different fields as its shown in my Linkedin profile when I was under-graduate, but this time I chose a new field that I would love to spend most of my time in, and I was talented.

What I have learned through my journey:

  • Deep understanding of Python and Object Oriented Programming
  • Knowledge of writing micro service web applications with Flask framework
  • Understanding of cloud-native methodologies and MVC design patterns
  • Virtualization with semi-cloud MAAS (Metal as a Service), and automated deployment for provisioning with Terraform and also configuration management with Ansible
  • Working with SQL and NoSQL databases, very good experience in SQL language and also capable of handling complex SQL queries with Python Pandas Dataframes
  • Containerizing system services with high availability architecture
  • Monitoring tools like: Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Promtail, Fluentbit and also capable writting Prometheus exporters with Python
  • DevOps orchestration tools like: Docker swarm and Kubernetes
  • Full automation of CI/CD in Jenkins with the help of Groovy language
  • Familiar with basic security considerations like Brute-force attack or SYN flood DDoS attack
  • Documentation with Wiki_js

Work Experience In DevOps

Junior DevOps Engineer at Zitel

Mar 2022--Mar 2023 (1 yr 1 mo)

My job experience in Charging department of zi-tel:

  • Managing 5 bare-metal servers as a swarm cluster with Portainer.
  • Implementing monitoring tools like: Grafana-Loki-Fluentbit-Prometheus-alertmanager.
  • Managing Freeradius as a AAA (authentication, authorization, accounting) service for p2p customers. Including Telnet authentication for BRAS and DSLAMs devices. Also implementing rate-limit bandwidth for Mikrotik and Cisco devices.
  • Writing a Python program for collecting MAC address of p2p users and updating gestioIP database periodically by ssh-ing into all switches of network infrastructure.
  • A Python program that collects upload and download of every radio site and their availability metrics, in order to generate Excel reports hourly and sending them through FTP protocol to Regulatory.
  • Creating disaster recovery plan for my services with documentation.

Technologies that I used in this job:

  • Python
  • Ansible
  • Bash
  • Mysql
  • Percona
  • ProxySQL
  • Mariadb
  • Couchbase
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Swarm
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Loki
  • Promtail
  • Fluentbit
  • Glusterfs
  • Zabbix
  • Freeradius

DevOps Engineer at Ernyka Group

Mar 2023--Jun 2023 (4 mo)

My job description in datacenter department of Ernyka Group was to work on Blockchain Nodes as a Service for their own Cloud platform.

My job experience:

  • Full nodes synced: Bitcoin, Algorand, Binance smartchain, Cardano, Litecoin, Tron
  • Archive nodes synced: Etherium, Binance smartchain
  • Containerizing synced nodes above
  • R&D in troubleshooting Geth (Go-Etherium) client
  • Using zfs pool software for better performance of passthrough disks
  • Creating central dashboard in Grafana to monitor syncing status of nodes and also monitoring of all Geth clients in eth-netstats
  • R&D in Geth client disaster recovery solutions (e.g. moving data dir or restoring backups)
  • R&D in Etherium Geth client memory cache parameters and their impact on resource usage and LevelDB database compaction
  • Working with HTTP and gRPC api of ETH, TRX, BTC, BSC
  • R&D in different configs of Geth client such as different database engines like Pebble DB or using Freezer
  • Documentation of synced blockchain nodes in Wiki_js

Technologies that I used in this job:

  • Bash
  • Git
  • Geth
  • bitcoind and it's forks
  • JavaTron
  • Docker
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Loki
  • eth-netstats
  • Fluentbit
  • Wiki_js
  • zfs

DevOps Monitoring at Digikala

Aug 2023--Present (4 mo)

In the DevOps department of Digikala, I worked in the monitoring section, where my responsibilities included maintaining and extending monitoring services and clusters.

My job experience:

  • Creating simple and efficient clusters for high availability with the docker swarm
  • Migrating systemd services into docker containers
  • Maintaining Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana Blackbox for metric based monitoring
  • Maintaining Elasticsearch-shards Logstash Kibana for collecting logs from reverse-proxies like Nginx or HAProxy
  • Separating monitoring clusters from production zone because of security concerns
  • Creating custom Prometheus exporters
  • Creating Jira plugin for sending jira issues to Slack as a simplified issue message
  • Creating an agile documentation tool as a single entity for docs, videos and To-do lists with Wiki_js
  • Creating bash scripts for monitoring and restarting system services or containers as self-healing procedures

Technologies that I used in this job:

  • Bash
  • Salt
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Alertmanager
  • Blackbox
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Swarm
  • Docker
  • Python-flask
  • Wiki_js

Skills & Tools


  • Photoshop/Illustrator
  • HTML/CSS/Bootstrap


  • Python
  • Flask
  • Go

DevOps Tools:

  • Bash Scripts
  • Groovy
  • Git
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • MAAS
  • Docker
  • Docker Swarm
  • Grafana-Loki-Fluentbit
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
  • Traefik-Nginx


  • ORMs in python and golang
  • SQL Servers
  • NoSQL Servers


  • - NetBox and GestioIP IPAM Services
  • - Network+
  • - Configuring Network Topology
  • - IP Firewall (NAT, Mangle)
  • - Routing
  • - Mikrotik Routers

Learning skills

  1. Kubernetes
  2. Golang

Linkedin Skill Assessment Badges

  • Python
  • Linux


  • BSc in Metallurgy
    Khaje Nasir University of Technology


  • Persian (Native)
  • English (Professional)


  • Books
  • Movies & Documentaries
  • Climbing
  • Chess
  • Biking